Quick Butternut Squash Curry


For the Roti 

Cooking instructions

  1. Put your non-stick pan over medium high heat. Add oil once warm. Meanwhile, using the large side of cheese grater, grate the squash and add to pain. Season with salt and add curry powder.
  2. Grate the onion as the squash cooks. Add to mixture. Let cook for 1-2 minutes then add chili. After a minute of cooking, use a microplane and shave the ginger into the mixture. 
  3. Once mixture is nicely cooked, add chicken and toss. After about 2 minutes, add peas. After a minute add tomatoes and after another minute the coconut milk. Mix and cook for about 2 minutes. Then add 2 tablespoons of stock bring to boil then simmer until chicken is cooked, around 5 minutes. 
  4. Meanwhile put all roti ingredients together into a bowl and mix to form a dough. Heat pan over hot heat. Take dough and form into small balls and roll out into squares. Salt pan and then add dough, cook for about 1-2 minutes each side or until slightly charred. Once cooked, slice into 4 squares per person.
  5. Once chicken is cooked, add spinach and cook till wilted. Then take pan off heat and serve

Watch Gordon make this recipe here